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Biblical Outline: Jeremiah

Peace & Blessings Beloved,

TGBTG for allowing us to see another day. I pray all is well with you and yours, and that your week has been fruitful & blessed thus far.

In this Series, we are going to further our in-depth study of each book of the Holy Bible, breaking each book into the major themes and topics contained therein. Today we'll outline the twenty-fourth book of the Bible, Jeremiah.


Unlike Ezekiel, the oracles in Jeremiah are not arranged in chronological order. Had they been so arranged, the sequence of sections within the book would have been approximately as follows: 1:1 -- 7:15; chapter 26; 7:16 -- 20:18; chapter 25; chapters 46 - 51; 36:1-8; chapter 45; 36:9-32; chapter 35; chapters 21 - 24; chapter 27 - 31; 34:1-7; 37:1-10; 34:8-22; 37:11 -- 38:13; 39:15-18; chapters 32 - 33; 38:14 -- 39:14; 52:1-30; chapters 40 - 44; 52:31-34. The outline below represents an analysis of the book of Jeremiah in its present canonical order.

  • Call of the Prophet (chapter 1)

  • Warnings and Exhortations to Judah (chapters 2-35)

    • Earliest Discourses (chapters 2-6)

    • Temple Message (chapters 7-10)

    • Covenant and Conspiracy (chapters 11-13)

    • Messages concerning the Drought (chapters 14-15)

    • Disaster and Comfort (16:1;17:18)

    • Command to Keep the Sabbath Holy (17:19-27)

    • Lessons from the Potter (chapters 18-20)

    • Condemnation of Kings, Prophets and People (chapters 21-24)

    • Foretelling the Babylonian Exile (chapters 25-29)

    • Promises of Restoration (chapters 30-33)

    • Historical Appendix (chapters 34-35)

  • Sufferings and Persecutions of the Prophet (chapters 36-38)

    • Burning Jeremiah's Scroll (chapter 36)

    • Imprisoning Jeremiah (chapters 37-38)

  • The Fall of Jerusalem and Its Aftermath (chapters 39-45)

    • The Fall Itself (chapter 39)

    • Accession and Assassination of Gedaliah (40:1;41:15)

    • Migration to Egypt (41:16;43:13)

    • Prophecy against Those in Egypt (chapter 44)

    • Historical Appendix: Promise to Baruch (chapter 45)

  • Judgment against the Nations (chapters 46-51)

    • Against Egypt (chapter 46)

    • Against Philistia (chapter 47)

    • Against Moab (chapter 48)

    • Against Ammon (49:1-6)

    • Against Edom (49:7-22)

    • Against Damascus (49:23-27)

    • Against Kedar and Hazor (Arabia) (49:28-33)

    • Against Elam (49:34-39)

    • Against Babylon (chapters. 50-51)

  • Historical Appendix (chapter 52)

May we establish, nurture, and grow a sincere love for the word of God, and study it lovingly & faithfully.

I pray you receive this with the love intended, and apply it to wisdom.

May the joy of the Lord continue to be your strength.

Love you much.

Stay Safe, Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed!

-Humble Servant

P.S- If you have not given your life to Jesus Christ, I implore you to take the time to do so right now. Use John 3:16 & Romans 10:9-10 as a foundation for making your confession of faith. And use Ephesians 2:1-10 to provide proper context for your salvation

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